Woman going through er debt

Can a Debt Collector Trick Me to Collect a Debt?

Some debt collectors will do whatever it takes to collect a debt. Unfortunately, this sometimes includes using deceptive tactics to trick consumers into paying up. And this can result in consumers paying debt collectors for debts they don’t legally owe. In this article, we examine whether debt collectors are permitted to trick consumers into paying…

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Client filling out debt collection lawsuit document

Can a Debt Collector Contact My Minor Child?

Obviously, children shouldn’t accumulate debt. This doesn’t stop debt collectors, however, from occasionally attempting to contact them. If your child has received correspondence from a debt collector, this may be a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is a federal law designed to protect the rights of consumers. The FDCPA limits…

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Woman on the phone with debt collector

What Happens if You Ignore Debt Collectors?

The easiest thing to do when it comes to debt collection phone calls is to simply ignore them. However, this isn’t necessarily the smartest route to take. Although it may be tempting to stick your head in the sand when debt collectors come calling, ignoring them won’t make the problem go away. In fact, it…

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Man on the phone with debt collector

Should You Answer Debt Collection Calls?

Although no one enjoys debt collection phone calls, ignoring them is rarely the right response. Even if you don’t owe the debt in question, it is better to address the situation than to ignore it and hope it just goes away. However, if you do decide to speak to a debt collector on the phone,…

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Woman filing debt collection lawsuit

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with a Debt Collector

Debt collectors can be extremely aggressive when attempting to collect debts. Often, they employ tactics that bend—or even break—the law. Therefore, when dealing with a debt collector, you must be highly vigilant. Otherwise, you risk making mistakes that can cost you money. In this article, we examine five common mistakes to avoid when dealing with…

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Debt collection defense attorney in office

I’ve Been Sued by a Debt Collector: Now What?

If you’ve been sued by a debt collector, you must take immediate action. If you fail to respond to your lawsuit, the court will likely enter a default order in favor of the debt collector. In other words, if you ignore your lawsuit, you will automatically lose your case. Once this occurs, the debt collector…

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Woman going over debt collection lawsuit document

Can Debt Collectors Garnish Social Security?

When people borrow money, they usually plan on paying it back. Unfortunately, however, certain events, such as illness or job loss, can interfere with a person’s ability to honor his or her financial commitments. Failing to pay a debt can result in several negative consequences, including lawsuits, credit damage, and even wage garnishment. In this…

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Debt collection attorney sitting with client

What Debt Collectors Can and Can’t Do

The law is very clear about what debt collectors are permitted to do when dealing with consumers. Unfortunately, however, debt collectors often do whatever it takes to collect a debt—even break the law. When this occurs, affected consumers may pursue legal remedies. In this article, we examine what debt collectors can and can’t do when…

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