Woman reviewing her debt

What to Do When a Debt Collector Calls You

Although debt collectors are permitted to contact consumers by telephone, there are strict rules they must follow when doing so. Unfortunately, however, debt collectors don’t always abide by these rules. Often, debt collectors employ high-pressure tactics in an attempt to coerce consumers into paying up. Therefore, consumers must always remain vigilant when dealing with debt collection phone calls. In this article, we discuss what to do when a debt collector calls you. 

Decide if You Want to Take the Call

The first thing you should do when you are contacted by a debt collector is decided if you want to take the call. You aren’t required to speak to debt collectors on the phone, so it’s up to you whether you do so. Of course, it can be helpful to speak to a debt collector to collect some basic information about the debt. However, if you do decide to speak to a debt collector, you should never admit that the debt is yours or agree to enter a payment plan unless advised by an attorney to do so. 

Keep a Record of All Debt Collection Calls

There are limits on when and how often debt collectors can call you. Therefore, you should keep a record of all debt collection calls. When tracking calls, you should record the date and time that a call takes place, the person you speak with, and the content of the conversation. In addition, if a debt collector sends you texts or leaves you voicemails, you should save them.

Request Validation of the Debt

Debt collectors are routinely contacted about debts that they don’t owe. Therefore, it’s important to request validation of the debt when contacted by a debt collector. In addition, if you don’t believe the debt in question is yours, you may want to share this information with the debt collector after consulting with an attorney. Remember, debt validation gives you information, but it is not a defense to the debt.  Even if the creditor fails to validate the debt, they can still sue you and win a judgment.    

Request that the Debt Collector Cease Contacting You

Under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, if you request in writing that a debt collector stop contacting you altogether, it must do so. However, your specific situation will dictate whether this is a good idea. For example, if you want to leave the lines of communication open to negotiate a settlement, making such a request wouldn’t be advisable. Therefore, before requesting that a debt collector quit contacting you, you should consult with an experienced California debt collection lawsuit attorney.  

Contact a California Debt Collection Lawsuit Defense Attorney 

Before you take any of the actions discussed above, you should contact an experienced California debt collection lawsuit defense attorney. A debt collection lawsuit defense attorney will advise you on the proper actions to take based on your unique circumstances. At the Fullman Firm, our experienced attorneys take pride in fighting for the rights of debtors. When you come to us for assistance, we will do everything in our power to ensure that your situation has a successful outcome. Please contact us to schedule a consultation.