How to Stop a Bank Levy in California: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Discovering that your bank account is under levy can be a distressing experience. In California, creditors can legally freeze your bank account to collect unpaid debts, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. The Fullman Firm specializes in stopping bank levies and safeguarding your assets. Don’t let a bank levy disrupt…

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Stop Bank Levy and Get Your Money Back!

Are you facing a bank levy and unsure of what to do next? Don’t panic – The Fullman Firm is here to help you protect yourself and your family. A bank levy typically occurs when a creditor sues you and obtains a court judgment against you, often without notice. However, with our expert assistance, you…

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The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Debt Negotiation Lawyer

Introduction: Navigating the complex world of debt negotiation can be overwhelming, but with the right legal assistance, you can regain control of your financial situation. A skilled debt negotiation lawyer can help you negotiate with creditors, reduce your debt burden, and pave the way for a brighter financial future. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore…

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Friendly Note from a Happy Client

Adam, Happy New Year! I hope you had a great Christmas and New Years. I wanted to reach and say thank you for all you did for me in helping me with these creditors. It is such a relief to start the new year with all of this behind me. You and your staff were…

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Debts Below $7,000

How to Handle Debt Collectors on Debts Below $7,000. This article covers debts less than $7,000.  If you have a debt larger than $7,000, please call us at The Fullman Firm at 877-227-2872, or email us at For debts below $7,000, this article will cover what to do if you either: Have a debt…

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