Attorney signing legal documents

Can Cavalry SPV Take Me to Court?

Cavalry SPV, which is also known as Cavalry Portfolio Services, is a debt collection organization that buys debts in bulk from loan and credit card companies for pennies on the dollar. Cavalry then makes efforts to collect the debts. A major part of Cavalry’s debt collection strategy is to file lawsuits against consumers. In this…

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Client filling out debt collection lawsuit document

Can a Debt Collector Contact My Minor Child?

Obviously, children shouldn’t accumulate debt. This doesn’t stop debt collectors, however, from occasionally attempting to contact them. If your child has received correspondence from a debt collector, this may be a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is a federal law designed to protect the rights of consumers. The FDCPA limits…

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Debt collection defense attorney in office

I’ve Been Sued by a Debt Collector: Now What?

If you’ve been sued by a debt collector, you must take immediate action. If you fail to respond to your lawsuit, the court will likely enter a default order in favor of the debt collector. In other words, if you ignore your lawsuit, you will automatically lose your case. Once this occurs, the debt collector…

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Woman going over debt collection lawsuit document

Can Debt Collectors Garnish Social Security?

When people borrow money, they usually plan on paying it back. Unfortunately, however, certain events, such as illness or job loss, can interfere with a person’s ability to honor his or her financial commitments. Failing to pay a debt can result in several negative consequences, including lawsuits, credit damage, and even wage garnishment. In this…

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