“Wins” Are Great, But Low Settlements Are Mighty Fine Too! (FIA Card Services Represented by Zwicker)

We are happy and proud to say that, even when our clients don’t get their cases dismissed or dropped, they often are able to obtain substantial “victories” by getting the debts against them significantly reduced.

MT was a client of ours in our “DIY” (Do It Yourself) Program, in which we assist a client in defense of a lawsuit. In the DIY Program, we prepare our clients’ documents, coach them with regard to attending court hearings, recommend discovery procedures that can improve their leverage against the plaintiffs, and all at a much reduced expense compared to the cost of hiring a law firm to handle one’s case.

In MT’s case, FIA Card Services was suing him for almost $11,000.00. We assisted him through answering the complaint, discovery, court hearings, and trial preparation. All of this cost MT just a bit over $1,000.00. However, because he was putting on such a strong defense in his case, the plaintiff apparently decided that it wasn’t going to be worth it to go to trial and made a low offer of just $3,000.00 to settle the case, which MT happily accepted. The end result was that for a total cost of a little over $4,000.00 MT was able to settle the $11,000.00 case against him, including having related negative reporting against him on his credit record removed. So MT saved almost $7,000.00 and ended up with a clean credit record with regard to this account.

MT wrote to us and said:

“Hi Adam, I just received the all important call from Chris telling me that Zwicker accepted the settlement for $3000.00. WOW I couldn’t believe it was going to be that low! Chris told me to send you guys a copy of the Joint trial readiness report that I received about an hour and a half prior to him calling me giving me the great news. I just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure having you and your team on my side through out all of this. It is apparent that you work with professionals and I could not be happier that I chose your firm to handle my case. I will definitely recommend you to all that seek out help in this arena. Hek, you may hear from me again sometime in the future for some more business, please let me know what I owe you for the remainder of my bill so that I can get you taken care of.  Thanks again everybody”