L.M. was sued by National Collegiate in two separate cases totaling $110,000. The Fullman Firm negotiated a settlement of $33,000 payable at only $250 a month, saving L.M. $77,000. Disclaimer: All cases are different, your case may differ from the matters in which these results were obtained, and each client’s case must be evaluated…
Continue reading…Tag: settlement
CACH LLC and Kentwood Law Group Settle for 28%
[button color=”#42788e” background=”#77d1f4″ size=”medium” src=”/ask-a-question/”]Questions? Ask Us[/button] D.L. came to us seeking help with a debt of $10,554.54. CACH LLC had purchased this debt from Bank of America. Kentwood Law Group was collecting for CACH. After negotiations we were able to obtain a $3,000 settlement. One more happy Fullman client!
Continue reading…Mandarich Law Group And CACH LLC Breach Settlement Agreement But End Up Losing On The Deal.
Mandarich contacted JK on behalf of CACH making claim for $18,397. JK reached a settlement agreement with Mandarich for $10,000 over the telephone and asked that they send him the deal in writing. They insisted that he had to first make a $5,000 payment over the telephone. He agreed but obtained a promise that he…
Continue reading…Midland Funding and Attorney Robert Colclough Agree to Vacate Default Judgment and Return Garnished Wages.
Tags: Midland Funding, Robert Colclough K.C. came to us after Midland Funding started garnishing her wages. However, she had not been given proper notice of the lawsuit. We were able to negotiate vacation (reversal) of the judgment and return of the garnished funds. Then we settled the debt for 39% of the claimed amount.
Continue reading…Cavalry agrees to settle $49,800 Bank of America debt for $4,000 (8%).
Tags: Cavalry Portfolio, Bank of America Not much more to say here. We were able to convince Cavalry that if it did not agree to a low settlement, the client would file for bankruptcy protection, which was the truth (contrary to popular belief, good lawyers do not have to tell lies to get the job…
Continue reading…Capital One and Hunt & Henriques Agree To Settle For Payments Totalling 44% Even Though Client Waited Until One Week Before Trial To Contact Us.
Tags: Capital One, Hunt & Henriques, Settlement Our client contacted us one week before her scheduled trial in a debt collection action. This of course limited our options. Nevertheless, we immediately completed what trial preparation we could and began settlement negotiations. After seeing that this was not going to be an easy win for them, Hunt…
Continue reading…Midland and Brachfeld Agree to 26% Settlement, Even Though Client Waited Until Two Weeks Before Trial To Come To Us
B.S came to us asking if we could help with a debt collection trial coming up in two weeks. We agreed to help and quickly did as much preparation for trial as allowed for with so little time, including a subpoena for the Midland employee who signed the Declaration in Lieu of Testimony for use…
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