holiday credit card debt

Tips for Avoiding Holiday Debt

If there’s ever a time that puts you at risk for going into debt, it’s the holidays. During the holidays, our spending can get out of control, and many people rely on their credit cards to get them through this busy and expensive time of the year. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to pay…

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California Wage Garnishment Basics

A debt collector who alleges that a debtor has failed to repay his or her debt is entitled to file a lawsuit in court to collect the disputed funds. If the debt collector’s lawsuit is successful, the court may order the garnishment of the debtor’s wages until the debt is repaid. As we discuss below,…

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Sued by a Debt Collector: What Are My Options?

No one wants to be sued by a debt collector. However, if you’ve recently been served with a debt collection lawsuit, you can’t just put your head in the sand and hope it goes away. Rather, you must assess your options and take immediate action. Therefore, after reviewing the following debt collection lawsuit options, it…

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stressed owner dealing with debt collector

Tips for Dealing with Debt Collectors During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy. Business closures and widespread unemployment have left hundreds of thousands of people unable to pay their debts. As a result, more people than ever are facing debt collection notices and lawsuits from debt collection agencies. Below are some tips for dealing with debt collectors if…

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past due bill

Can I Settle My Debt Collection Lawsuit?

If you’ve been sued by a debt collection agency in California, you generally have two choices: fight the lawsuit or attempt to settle. Whether or not you can settle your debt collection lawsuit depends on many factors, including the size of the alleged debt, the willingness of the debt collector to compromise, and your ability…

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Stacks of quarters, calculator, and calendar with debt

Common Mistakes People Make When Dealing With Debt Collectors

Debt collectors can be extremely aggressive when attempting to collect a debt, sometimes even resorting to illegal tactics. Often, aggressive and intimidating behavior by debt collectors leads consumers to make mistakes, including agreeing to pay debts that aren’t owed. Below are some of the most common mistakes people make when dealing with debt collectors. If…

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Woman looking over her past due bills, talking to debt collector.

Common Illegal Debt Collection Practices

Debt collectors are known for their use of deceptive debt collection practices. Despite the laws prohibiting harassing and deceitful behavior by debt collectors, many are willing to do almost anything to collect a debt. If you’re facing a debt collection lawsuit, it’s quite possible that the debt collector violated the law somewhere along the way…

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