LVNV Funding sued C.M for $9,800 using Brachfeld Law Group. C.M. used The Fullman Firm’s service to begin his defense and demand documents from LVNV Funding and Brachfeld Law Group. When they failed to produce the demanded documents, we helped C.M. file a motion to compel production of the documents. Rather than oppose the motion…
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Midland Funding and Brachfeld Law Group Dismiss Lawsuit After We Send Our Pre-Trial Documents.
[button color=”#42788e” background=”#77d1f4″ size=”medium” src=”/ask-a-question/”]Questions? Ask Us[/button] RC came to us after he received a summons from Midland Funding via Brachfeld Law. We helped him along the way, prepared all the documents he needed, and prepared our usual pre-trial objections and demands (requiring Brachfeld and Midland to comply with all the proper procedures before and…
Continue reading…Judgment Vacated and Case Dismissed After Brachfeld Law Group and Midland Funding Fail to Respond
[button color=”#42788e” background=”#77d1f4″ size=”medium” src=”/ask-a-question/”]Questions? Ask Us[/button] JH came to us after she learned that a debt collection judgment had been entered against her without notice. We filed our motion to vacate the judgment and Midland Funding and Brachfeld Law Group filed to respond. The court vacated the judgment and set a date for Brachfeld…
Continue reading…Midland Funding And Brachfeld Fail To Produce Documents, Dismiss Lawsuit Instead
S.J. came to us for help when Brachfeld Law Group and Midland Funding LLC filed suit against him for approximately $8,000. When Midland Funding LLC and Brachfeld failed to respond to the Demand for Production of Documents we prepared for S.J., we advised that he push the issue. He asked us to prepare for him…
Continue reading…Brachfeld Law Group and Midland Funding Agree To Dismiss $9,000 Lawsuit With Prejudice.
Earlier this month Brachfeld Law Group and Midland Funding agreed to dismiss Midland’s $9,000 suit against our client, E.A., WITH PREJUDICE. E.A. had to agree to waive her right to costs as prevailing party, but she thought it was worth it, and we agree.
Continue reading…Midland and Brachfeld Agree to 26% Settlement, Even Though Client Waited Until Two Weeks Before Trial To Come To Us
B.S came to us asking if we could help with a debt collection trial coming up in two weeks. We agreed to help and quickly did as much preparation for trial as allowed for with so little time, including a subpoena for the Midland employee who signed the Declaration in Lieu of Testimony for use…
Continue reading…Another Thank You Note (After We Beat Pinnacle Credit and Brachfeld Law Group)
As a follow-up to our November 2nd, 2011 post, our client sent us the following thank you note: I am so happy that I won this case with Bank of America. Thank you so much for helping me with the case. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent on my case and the time you…
Continue reading…Brachfeld Law Group and Pinnacle Credit Services Give Up When Challenged
We just learned that Pinnacle Credit Services (represented by Brachfeld Law Group) has dismissed its lawsuit against our client, J.N. The history of this case is interesting. Pinnacle/Brachfeld obtained a default judgment against J.N. by not giving her proper notice of the lawsuit. Then they levied over $8,000 from her bank account. We filed a…
Continue reading…Have a Judgment Against You But Never Got Proper Notice? We Can Help!
We recently had a couple of cases in which the creditors had obtained judgments against our clients without properly serving them with the Summons (that means the creditors did not give them proper notice of the lawsuits), and we were able to get the judgments vacated and set aside. In the first case, client JW…
Continue reading…Fullman Firm Frees Another Client From Default Judgment
According to the Brachfeld Law Group, EK owed a large sum of money. They claimed to have given her notice of their lawsuit against her by delivering the Summons to her home and then they claimed that she never bothered to answer the lawsuit. Based on this, they got a default judgment from the court,…
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